TKGA Master Level I complete

I know I haven’t reported on the TKGA Master Knitter program in while, but there is actually a lot to say.  I just have to take the time to digest it and process some images for you.  So look for that report coming next.  The short version is that I got a very nicely written reply to my March Level I submission within the same month that I sent it out.  Continue reading


Flawed purls

I picked up some of the knitting reference books I ordered from the library this weekend.  I had half of a shelving cart to myself, I had so many books come in at once.  I eagerly started rifling through the most famous ones (the Montse Stanley and June Hiatt books) as Steve drove us to the next errand.  Within minutes my stomach was sinking through the floor.  I have been twisting my purls all along.

I have been twisting my purls for the last 9 years.  I have been twisting my purls for over 60 knitted projects.  How have I never noticed?

The raised edge on the sides of the "v's" are because of the twisted purls

The raised edge on the sides of the "v's" are because of the twisted purls

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