Thinking about body shape and sweater design

I’m at an age where the body starts letting you know that while you’re a long way from old, you’re not young anymore either.  I’m at a point where there are some grey hairs peeking out, where skin is changing texture, where minor health troubles are more persistent, and above all, where body shape starts to really matter in terms of clothing selection. Continue reading


Not finishing enough, and the sock in my purse

I’ve started feeling desperate about not producing enough FO’s (Finished Objects) lately.  So I’ve cast on a lovely bulky red/purple yarn for the Jenny Cloche.  Theoretically this should be a quick knit, but at my crawling pace of late… well, we’ll see.  I plan to knit the style without the big floppy bow (eg. this Raveler’s lovely project), because I am not a big floppy bow sort of person.


There is still an ever-present sock in my purse.  It’s possible that the sock is part of the reason I feel so angsty about finishing something.  Continue reading



When I first started this blog, I envisioned being able to regularly update based on only Master-Hand-Knitter discoveries.  As it turns out, my life is not that streamlined.  Other knitting distracts me, and other things distract me.  Therefore, in order to post regularly (which is good blog-keeping etiquette, regardless of whether anyone actually reads this thing), I feel the need to expand my scope a little.

So here are my latest distractions:  I finished a fingerless mitt Continue reading